
Manages the information that drives the business. Enterprise information management (EIM) solutions, powered by Columbus Suite, enable you to easily share business content across multiple channels and applications, create engaging, personalized communications, and meet your regulatory obligations for document and unstructured data management.

Data Management

Retain access to valuable business information while freeing your applications from unwanted data accumulation. Data growth is a sign of a thriving business. However, managing large volumes of operational and customer data can be complex and expensive. Macro 4 data management solutions put you back in control. We help you manage business information more efficiently and take advantage of lower-cost online storage methods for older data.

Decommissioning Legacy Applications

Remove obsolete systems quickly and cost-effectively while keeping your historical data accessible. Improving and modernizing business systems is now a high priority for many organizations and budgets are being carefully scrutinized. As part of any transformation strategy, it is important to recognize which applications have served their useful purpose and can be retired, freeing up resources for innovation.

SAP Solutions

Enhance the data and document management capabilities of your SAP business applications. The SAP applications that underpin your business will only function at their best if the documents going in and out of them are also managed effectively.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.